Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Fig Tree is where it's at

I was awakened too early this morning with the thought of Nathanael and the Fig Tree. Unable to fall back asleep, I opened my bible to John 1:48-

"How do you know me?" Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you."

"How do you know me?" Jesus said "I saw you..." Something about this grabs my heart and comforts me in a new way. The idea that Jesus sees me brings His love into reality. He sees ME. To be known and noticed and..."seen" is something I've struggled for most of my life. I've not been blessed with a family that loves, at least not recognizably so. In fact, it's been years since I've actually spoken to anyone in my family. Such is life for the time being. My point isn't to whine about my imperfect family life, but to give thanks for the blessing that is scripture. What is missing in my life is found and fulfilled in scripture-

As Jesse Rice comment spoke on a recent retreat, the idea of being under the fig tree is Jesus saying "I see you." The dreaming, and hoping, and aching I'm doing right now is key to what God is going to do in my life.

So, I give thanks for the dreaming, and hoping, and aching, and look forward to what God is doing in my life.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dog Poop

1. Dogs poop.
2. The "law" says you have to pick it up
3. The lady was standing in my yard on her cell phone while her dog pooped.
4. She looked at me, then walked away.
5. Dog poop left in the yard (and it wasn't Ellie's).

I bet she was just told that she won an all-expenses-paid vacation to Tacoma, and she was so excited that she casually walked away to start packing. Or she was blind, and able to walk and talk on a cell phone without assistance. She's a human miracle!