Sunday, March 29, 2009

Try it with love....

I moved into "mour" place yesterday, also known as Wenikio's place, which is now my place.  A few of my friends (Erica, Brian, Matt, John, and Jon) helped me move all of my goods over here in less than 5 hours.  It would have been an impossible chore to do it alone, and too expensive to hire people to do it.  Moving kind of sucks so, I am VERY grateful, thankful, and indebted to my pals that were able to help yesterday....especially in the raining rain.

This place is great.  Even in it's most disorganized and unpacked state, it's just great.  It's warm (both in temperature and ambiance) and comfortable.  As a side note, i think I'll have to turn the pilot light off on the the fireplace tends to get a little too warm for my liking.  But then again, I'm used to near freezing temperatures in the Mold Zone (the old place). 

I hate technology.  Not really, but I just inserted a picture of the old place from google maps, and it messed everything up...and i had to delete the paragraphS that i typed following the inserted picture because it changed the format and I couldn't figure out how to fix  it.   blah, whatever.

Moving on.  What is it about packing that makes you feel just sapped of any energy.  Maybe I burned up so much energy in the excitement of moving to "mour" place.   Maybe it was hauling everything in the rain.  I did not unpack anything last night.  I changed into pajamas, and watched SNL (a rerun) .  I got into my freshly made bed with clean sheets.  2/3 of the petting zoo joined me.  We woke up in the morning to beautiful sunny skies.   Of course, I couldn't be so lucky to have the sun yesterday when we were moving.  Perhaps, it's just God's way of marking a new start.  A beautiful new start.  I'm excited.  I'm happy.  But i feel like i'm happier than i should be.  Where is it coming from?  Why?  Perhaps it's the change.  It's leaving behind a really difficult year that I struggled with white knuckles to get through.  It's shedding the past and looking forward to what can be.  And to think that it's all because of Wenikio's place.  That's pretty powerful.  

OH, so there is a point to this post......Try it with love.  So, after I got up and got moving, Belly wanted to go to Magnuson (she let's me know by whining like a bad baby.)  I put the mud boots on and we head there and it's gorgeous, except for one thing: all the weekend dog people.  Magnuson is great.  I like going during the week because Ellie has friends that go there midday, and there are less people there in general.   On the weekends, the people to dog ratio is like 5:1.  It's a nut house.  All the badly behaved people come out with their dogs (yes i said that right).  We managed to get to the water, and quickly left to get away from the crowd of people.  We headed for a path that runs along the lake.  It's an ON leash area.  Ellie struggles on the leash.  She hates it, I hate dealing with her on it.  I get frustrated and so does she.  After several yanks and pulls, I made her sit.  I thought "I HATE this.  There must be a better way." Try it with love.  She was sitting there looking up at me and bending over I rubbed her face and told her what a good dog she was for sitting.  And this changed things.  She responded by licking my face, and in the next portion of our walk she seemed to want to please me.  It was that simple.  However, this didn't stop me from going to Mud Bay to buy a new Gentle Leader.  Ellie does not like the gentle leader because it forces her to be a good Ellie.  She ate the plastic clips off the other one.  She's very smart.  Bad Ellie.  (See Good Ellie below wearing her Gentle Leader.)

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